Monday, July 6, 2020

Trump, the Endgame, and the Wall Between You and God

The above is not a link. I have made no evasive moves or statements regarding my belonging to the Body of Christ. Though not a biblical scholar, I can converse biblical scripture. Yes, though it is not a requirement of salvation, I even had the experience of speaking in tongues — once. I can even tell you the English translation of what I suddenly blurted out, in a language — Hebrew — that I didn’t know a word of, a moment prior. All that is for another blog. How it relates to what I’m about to say, is something I can only ask you to perhaps suspend disbelief and trust me about; I can’t prove it to you. I won’t waste my blogspace trying. When Donald Trump announced his bid for President in 2015, I was not exactly a fan. I knew that celebrities (who would potty-mouth him after his election) all vied to be seen at his parties, and enjoy his wealth with him. That’s all he was to me; a businessman turned Reality TV star. I was myself, I readily admit, a somewhat back-slidden Christian then — call it ‘Xtian’ — and just wasn’t very disciplined, though some considered me a ‘goody-two-shoes’ and not outwardly political. I was socially Liberal, but fiscally Conservative; in so that I minded a great deal how my tax money was spent or misspent in my estimation. The difference was that I knew it, and was aware of this duality within me. I didn’t care what my friends were into, as long as they didn’t shove it down my throat — and I likewise gave them that same consideration. So it was doubly a personal shock, when upon the day Trump announced his candidacy, I suddenly, somehow, knew he’d win. And that I was given a word of prophecy. No one told me verbally, I just abruptly had it pop into my head, like the Monolith in “2001: A Space Odyssey.” The prophecy was simple. To paraphrase: Trump will be an endgame President. (I am unsure what that meant, but…) God has chosen this man to lead the nation, not for his popularity, not for his intellect, but because he is the one with the internal fortitude, and business aptitude, to accomplish three specific tasks that will be beyond voter understanding. All else will be theatre. He will accomplish these tasks despite incredible opposition, and everything his — and the country’s — enemies, without and within, can throw at him. I was told each of the three tasks. Now before you scoff, know this: Trump in his first term, accomplished two of those tasks! He only has one to go. Then, yes, the Barbarians will take this once-great country — but by then it won’t matter. The first task was to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. He even moved America’s Embassy there. America’s recognition of Jerusalem causes the globe to reluctantly, some grudgingly, follow suit. The second task was to remove our military presence from Syria. Trump took a barrage of criticism for this, even from those who had before been stalwart champions of removing our troops from foreign countries’ landscapes — suddenly they had turned hawk. What this new paradigm means regarding future events remains to be seen, and whatever it is, it may be just over the horizon. That brings us to Task 3, the final mission divinely required of him. Let’s backtrack for a moment… November of 2016, just days after a Presidential election as controversial as it was historic, then President-Elect Donald Trump sat for an interview with 60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahl. He gave a very interesting answer to her question about the infamous southern border wall, that was one of his campaign promises. He concluded his reply with “I’m very good at this; it’s called construction.” With copies of his Trump Towers and Trump Hotels around the globe, as well as his history of Real Estate deals and owned properties, that statement was just beyond any debate. He gets things built, and gets them built fast. Couple this with Trump’s sudden conversion to Christianity at about the same time he assumed office. He still had a lot to learn; “Two Corinthians”?? But he has since never wavered from his proclamations of Christ, at least nominally, having become a part of his life. God has used the Presidency before. George Bush Sr., POTUS #41, in a November 1992 speech proclaimed that he would not tariff oil and wine — in what many believe a fulfillment of the Third Seal prophecy of Revelation 6:5. So far, it is still the only time “save the oil and wine” has been spoken in any POTUS speech. The incident was explored in full by writer Gordon Franz. What could an “endgame President” who is “good at construction” possibly have to do with significance to God’s divine plan in 2020? Many important voices have already begun talking about it. The Mikdash Educational Center, an Israeli organization devoted to creating and maintaining global awareness of the High Jewish Temple movement, even minted a silver coin (worth about a Shekel) with Trump’s and King Cyrus’s likenesses on one side, and a rendering on the opposite side of the proposed Third High Jewish Temple, to be built on the Temple Mount, next to the Islamic Dome of the Rock. Initiating, dealing for, the construction of said Temple, is what he can — and is charged to — do. He possibly doesn’t realize it, but it is his destiny — why he was placed in the White House. Luciferian Hillary would not get it done. Senile pedophile Joe would not get it done. Real Estate expert — and Commander In Chief — Donald can and will. Whether he is aware or not, whether he plans to or not; he is not the arbiter of history, simply its chosen tool. It’s God’s timeline, not ours. All else is theatre. None of the intellectual politicos & talking heads have a clue — or can much less comprehend. Whether or not they’d believe it. The Jewish organization The Temple Mount Faithful, who consider their very mission to be the rebuilding of the Temple, say that once construction is commenced, the Temple would go up in 6 months or less. It would house the ancient sacred Jewish temple artifacts, including the Ark of the Covenant (no, Indiana Jones didn’t hide it). The Temple would also serve as a multi-cultural center in the Holyland — a modern portal of middle-eastern diversity; a need that is not being served by the Dome of the Rock, which is in fact, crumbling into epic disrepair. Throughout history God has used the most unlikely, to be the vehicles of His will. Paul was an atheist. Moses stuttered. David was a ‘runt of the litter’ and considered even by his own family to be insignificant. Donald Trump is the very rich man symbolized by whom can’t fit through the Eye of the Needle as easily as a camel may. One task. For which he happens to be incredibly qualified, like it or not. My advice is watch the news, for word of Trump’s ‘interest’ in rebuilding the High Temple. As perhaps a gesture of goodwill, or global unity, or whatever the context. No, it doesn’t make Trump the Antichrist. More it sets the stage for the arrival of same-said Antichrist. One of the things the Antichrist does is to cause all 'oblation' (religious sacrifices) to cease in The Temple, so that he may set himself up there, and erect the 'Abomination of Desolation' (the idol that moves and talks like it is a living thing... very possible in the generation of CGI, holograms, and digitally altered reality). In order for any of that to happen, the Temple must exist. It must be built. Let your mind — and research — reveal all else that would mean; moreover, what it means to YOU. Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting concept - Except that Paul was anything but an Atheist.
    To use biblical speech, "Wot ye not" that Paul was known as Saul,a Jew who went to the chief priest requesting "letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem"? [Acts 9:2]
    God intervened while Saul was on the road to Damascus...
    To become Paul.


You can't handle the truth.