Monday, July 6, 2020

The Bad Cop and the Deepest Deep

The idea I’m about to express will make you angry and incredulous, and also make you think I’ve finally flipped my wig; a ‘conspiracy theorist’ finally become incompatible with the matrix of even my own wacko worldview. But the Internet was made ideally for such rants. I’ll keep it short. Need I take time to retrace the events leading to the death of George Floyd? Of the unjust crime committed against him, whether or not he deserved detainment in the first place? Of the tainted character of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who caused his death? Well, Chauvin’s character — at least his emotional integrity — is precisely what I intend to explore here, but not in the way you think. I will not defend or condemn, but merely point out something that no one would — rationally — consider; the prospect that George Floyd was chosen at random, an opportune person of color “targeted” to be sacrificed, and Derek Chauvin was programmed to execute him. Let’s glance at a certain timeline of political events leading up to the day of Floyd’s execution. 1. Three-plus years of trying to ‘correct’ the 2016 Presidential election, on the part of the Democrat-Leftist-Globalist cabal, has not gone well. The Russian Dossier “insurance policy” against Trump has been debunked. The Ukraine phone call ploy has failed. The Mueller probe has failed. The Trump Impeachment hearings have failed. General Flynn’s charges have been dropped. 2. Finally, the Pandemic is poorly timed, and the American People have proven more resilient than was expected. It has become apparent that COVID-19 will not derail the 2020 re-election of Trump — especially since the best nominee the D-L-G can muster is a borderline senile, career bureaucrat pedo who can’t keep his hands to himself, or a train of thought on track when he’s posed a question on the campaign. A frail man with a crumbling mind, with delusions of machismo and governmental acumen, who was Vice President simply as a safety measure to protect the livelihood of the POTUS he served under; no one wanted him at the desk if anything happened to the boss. 3. With every plan — even bio-weapon based — proven futile, there’s one card left: public upheaval. If you haven’t noticed, the Pandemic’s overall effect was to transform the world into something that would have delighted Saul Alinsky; a state of manipulatable chaos. Free enterprise arrested, personal independence curtailed, public gatherings (in any context) banned, churches closed, prisons opened. With “guidelines” in place to allow public interaction in limited spurts, and facial concealment all but mandated, with neighbors turning in — ratting on — neighbors for even the slightest bending of the “new normal” social protocol. 100,000 deaths? That’s getting off cheap for a socio-fascist makeover of what was once the freest nation on Earth. So far I’ve only sounded like a typical right-wing nut dipped in conspiracist treacle. Here’s where I show you what a genuine gourmet delicacy I truly am. The ‘public upheaval’ card had worked well before in distracting the non-violent segment of the populace regarding political turmoil — Ferguson, Watts, and other cities unfortunately sacrificed lives, livelihoods and lent their names to violent social events caused by bad politics and acts of injustice. It was a given, that backed into such a corner of desperation, after so many failed schemes, that the D-L-G would play it. The big giveaway that the entire chain of events is a massive psy-op, is the over-obvious timing of each event. Just as the Pandemic shows signs of winding down early, something expedient is needed to shore-up the social disruptiveness. Another virus emerging so conveniently to continue the lockdowns will appear contrived and too transparent. Not that that has ever stopped anyone before. Bio-weapons that slow a populace, rather than kill them outright, are difficult to manufacture. Cue the race riots back onstage. Here’s where it gets dicey, and enters one Derek Chauvin. How do I couch this? Ever seen the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”? Cold War foot soldiers, who are unaware they are even soldiers, recruited via mind control — hypnosis, drugs, and other methods with historical precedent in the 50s and 60s — cannot ‘confess’ because they have no knowledge of ever having been recruited. Yet they dutifully carry out their heinous orders when signaled to — with a codeword, a secret symbol — anything that has been programmed into their psyche that equals “your assignment is go.” Chauvin’s actions in the death of George Floyd are so outwardly diabolical, they are inexplicable in rational terms. Chauvin murdered Floyd in a premeditative fashion, in public, on camera. As if Chauvin had hidden a secret demonic side of himself, ’snapped’ and no longer cared who witnessed his sudden act of methodical barbarity. Such a shocking personality “switch flip” is a classic act of a Manchurian Candidate — a hypno-controlled foot soldier, for an evil cause, given his subcon “go” signal. (No, I can’t prove it. But the event can be enframed to fit such a profile, given its impact on society in the days that followed, compared with its creepy randomness.) And if questioned of any such signal given him, Chauvin will have no recollection of it. Sirhan Sirhan was the most famous M-C in modern history. He performed (or at least took the fall for) the assassination of Robert Kennedy, and afterward, had no recollection why. Evidence that he’d been hypnotically programmed was later found, but nothing that proved it beyond a doubt. It has been suggested that the mysterious “woman in the polka-dot dress” seen around the Ambassador Hotel, whom Sirhan encountered, and others remembered saying “we got him” after Kennedy’s shooting, was in fact Sirhan’s “signal.” The presence of a Manchurian Candidate is not a new idea, nor is it implausible. How ‘implausible’ is mind control now, in the age of populations transfixed by personal gadgets and manufactured distraction? But more importantly, it is proof of nefarious forces at work — the calling card of embedded evil, with invisible tentacles entwined deep within our everyday world.

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