The Angry Gentile
Watching God at work, "until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled."
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Is this direct enough for you?
The perplexing thing about prophecy is that it doles out its revelations in visions, dreams and symbols that not everyone perceives the same way. So much is either lost in translation, or embellished upon by over-thinking, that the actual significance of the message is glossed over.
One such case was the hoopla over September 23, 2017 — the date many believe that the Revelation 12 prophecy was fulfilled. To paraphrase Rev. 12: 1-2: A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon at her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head, was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
Some believe that an astronomical alignment involving the constellations Virgo and Leo, the sun, moon, and planets Mercury, Mars, Venus and Jupiter occurring in September 2017 fulfilled this prophecy literally.
And in all honesty, who’s to prove it didn’t.
Fellow escatologist and self-titled “watchman” Scottie Clarke added yet another interpretation of the sign by utilizing the very next verses: 4 And the dragon [Satan] stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. 5 She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne.
Clarke interpreted the term ‘caught up to God’ as code for the Rapture of the Church — and concluded that September 23, 2017 was possibly the date of the event. He released videos explaining his theory with studious aplomb.
Prophets are entitled to prophecy.
I myself considered Clarke’s interpretation with a degree of fascination and expectation, with a “let’s see what happens” attitude. Many other so-called “watchmen” on Youtube and other sources suddenly became puffy-chested and self-righteous, like the sissy kids on a playground who knew that the Principal was on the way.
Confession: I made a point to stay outside as much as possible that day — to be ready for anything. When the Rapture occurs, I don’t want to be caught channel surfing.
September 23 came and went. No Rapture. Atheists and even religious skeptics had a belly laugh at Clarke’s expense; his misinterpretation, and some would say, his folly.
But just because it wasn’t the date of the Rapture, does not rob September 23, 2017 of its significance.
In Revelation, Christ led St. John of Patmos through a series of future visions, involving both the Church and His chosen people, the Jews, regarding the concluding chapter of humanity’s story upon the Earth, regarding His return.
He placed John, in his words, upon a mountain (a heavenly pedestal) from which to view these future events, and expressly, the ‘times of the end.’
One of the things John saw… was the celestial events of September 23, 2017. We can use this date — according to the scientific alignments of the very stars above us — to set our watch. We are in the times of the end.
The countdown is officially underway. It’s in the stars.
THAT is the significance of September 23, 2017.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
There once was a people…
A small number were killed, at first, in the guise of a “protest.” Unfortunate victims who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and swept up in an emotionally charged atmosphere of chaos and angry unrest. Hmmm.
The Authorities issued orders condemning the violence, but lacked authority to intervene, after they lost their role as a credible governing body. The law enforcement had been declawed and those who didn’t quit or ‘retire’ were outnumbered and basically reduced to a mere nominal entity.
Statues and other tributes to their culture — some which had stood for decades, generations, centuries — were pulled down, shredded, and destroyed in an effort to erase that culture from memory. Finally the “offended” faction ramped up their ‘movement for change’ to the point where the vilified people were quartered off — barricaded, with armed guards keeping them monitored — into their own sections of cities and towns. Entire communities were caged up like a human zoo. Or like plague victims.
They were required by law to wear certain identifying items upon their person; patches, tags, armbands.
Then militarized groups formed to round up stray members of that people — now arrested simply for being who they were, with no political allies on the outside. Within the monitored zones, food and safe drinking water became scarce, sanitation eroded into disrepair, waste began to accumulate in pest-ridden, mountainous heaps.
Disease flourished and became rampant. Doctors among the vilified people ran out of supplies and adequate means with which to care for the sick and afflicted. If a person dropped dead on the street, the body was left there to decay where it had fallen. Anyone who might carry it away were either themselves too sick and weak to do so, or afraid that the diseased body might still harbor the germ that had been so deadly.
And there was no place to carry it to anyway, except to a pile. The crematories and cemeteries were beyond the quartered zone.
Beyond the barricades, those who had walled them up, considered their very race a disease to be eradicated.
Within, day-to-day existence itself became a waking nightmare. Hungry children cried. The elderly consigned themselves to pray to their God for mercy, and wait to die. Either of illness, or starvation.
How could one group of humans do this to another?
Eventually, those jailing them decided they wanted all that real estate back, and erected ‘camps’ to herd the people into — far away from the cities and towns. They were taken by train, like cattle. They were branded like cattle. Forced to take tattoo marks that indicated which ‘camp’ they were to belong to, which herd to collect them to.
Once in the camps, they were put to work — and given little rest. Those that fell behind in any way, were slaughtered as useless excess.
To accommodate this detail, the camps were installed with their own crematories — and gas houses to eliminate the excess who were — unfortunately for them — still breathing.
Does any of this sound familiar? The term for this was 'The Holocaust.' But there was a single word for this process while in progress: a pogrom.
A pogrom is, essentially, a public or government sanctioned purgative attack upon a group with which they differ. And throughout history, all pogroms lead to the same destination. Massacre.
The initial event with which the Nazis commenced their pogrom against the Jews was begun from within, by infiltrators, a massacre dubbed “Kristallnacht” — the night of broken glass. November 9, 1938. All Jews throughout Nazi Germany were put on notice. Nearly 100 were brutally murdered, simply for being Jewish. The Nazi pogrom had commenced in earnest, free of any punitive self-reflection against the witness of the world. They weren’t hiding their hate any longer. And proud of it.
Does it eerily seem like this “process” has begun against America?
Only instead of the “accused” being vilified for their race, it is because of ‘racism’? And again, the barricades, the walls — the physical attacks on public tributes, upon culture — and the special clothing are being trotted out — because of a conveniently timed mass illness.
Why is America targeted? Because we represent an escape from the tyranny of the oppressors being fled. A country — an empire — raised in defiance of those oppressors. Not perfect, but a symbolic fortress of resistance. Something they cannot tolerate.
Like the Jews, who worshipped their God above the State — whose neighborhoods were turned into ghettos of filth and starvation, until they were herded into gulags.
Globalism is the grandchild of Nazism. The State as God.
Its Fuehrers demand respect, impunity, and absolute dominion; sovereignty over all, regardless of prior affiliation. Those who oppose them are subject to everything up to and eventually including execution.
America’s political “champions” have become limp-wrists. They talk tough, framed on TV when deriding an opponent safely held at bay by a split-screen. But face to face at a debate table, they default to word-salading and doublespeak — the evil art, the craft, of making vague utterances seem like direct statements, only with a backdoor that allows them to claim “what I MEANT was…” when cornered, and their statement debunked.
Our own supposed “leaders” have become bowers and kneelers to the barbarians storming the gate — inside agents.
Those clinging to this country’s values, are being quartered into isolated communities. The ability to gather has been curtailed.
The State wants to be your god. The infiltrators are in place. The new age’s Kristallnacht is coming.
America, the pogrom against us has begun.
Monday, July 6, 2020
The Head Wound and the View From The Car Window
A dream, one year ago, obsesses me still. At the moment I will not translate what I believe these images mean — you’ll do that anyway.
I stood on the street, in the middle of a city. I wasn’t aware which city it was — it could have been any.
A shower of meteors began. It was not merely a skyward lightshow, but a shower of flaming rocks from space. A hailstorm from Hell.
The meteors were wreaking havoc. People were running in every direction in panic. Holes were being blasted in the ground, in building fronts. It was a very real ‘end of the world’ scene.
But as I watched the horrible event unfold, I retreated to within a sheltered place, as if watching through a ‘car window.’ I’m not sure why I believed this ‘car’ I was in was a safe haven from falling chunks of rock I saw destroying other cars parked around it. I’m not sure why it was important, but mine was the only red car on the street.
A man stood in front of me, on the curb. He wasn’t running from the meteor onslaught but trying to stand in defiance of it. He was a tall black man. As I marveled at his fortitude, a meteor struck his head!
He was mortally wounded. But he somehow rose back to his feet with his head bowed, trying to shake off the impact. His eyes were closed, but I could see his struggle to stand up straight again, and remain standing. But it was clear that he was doomed.
That is basically the moment I awoke.
Now I will reveal what I believe I was shown in symbolic form.
The United Nations is a chartered community — a virtual city — of 193 states (countries). Founded in 1945 in the wake of the Second World War, its purpose was to effectively secure world peace and resolve problems arising between nations. But its purpose has evolved over the past half century.
Today the UN’s mandate is not just to ensure respect for international law (which it sets) and human rights (which it interprets), and fostering international cooperation, but also to embrace and follow an agenda involving climate change mitigation and ‘sustainable development’.
These terms are in a way, ambiguous — they are generic enough to mean anything the governing body decides they mean. That should trouble any thinking individual.
Under the Charter of the United Nations, the Security Council bears the primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security. It consists of five permanent members (France, the UK, the USA, Russia and China) and ten non-permanent members which are elected for two-year periods. The most prominent of these non-permanent members is Germany.
Hang with me.
Germany has held its position, among nine others, in the Security Council for over 12 years now. It’s basically a permanent member, whose presence is based upon biyearly reelection (which it hardly sweats). It is the fourth largest contributor to the UN’s two-year budget.
Germany’s engagement with the Security Council consists of what they interpret as crisis prevention, climate change, security, and global health issues – all watchwords amid our current global culture. And their participation has done nothing but escalate, while showing little, if any, results in those areas.
Why is Germany so noteworthy? Because of the myriad of invisible tentacles, springing from our global elite class, backward in time to Nazism. In the 40s — when the U.N. was formed — Germany brought forth the one individual in the 20th century who dared to establish a World Chancellorship by non-covert means: Adolf Hitler.
There is today a covert World Chancellor — though we may never be certain of exactly who holds that demonic office. To the secret cabals within the U.N., this person is considered above all other world leaders — including the U.S. President. For all we, the general public, know — the current W.C. could be the U.S. President, or the “elected” leader of some other country within the permanent, or non-permanent membership.
A World Chancellor’s stamp, or signature, is secretly required on all major U.N. agenda points. If a member defies the order, it’s a clue that the country in question’s leader is not secretly the World Chancellor. On many occasions, the USA has been that decrying vote. The President is not the U.N.’s World Chancellor. Then who is?
A great change is coming. We will all soon know for certain who this President of the Globe is. Because the U.N. will reveal this lofty post to the world, upon its “election” of a new World Chancellor, and proclaim him.
The last Globalist gasp to “tame” the USA, and make it bow, will be this unveiling of a “President” whose power ‘trumps’ that of the U.S. President’s.
Who is most ‘qualified’ to hold this office? Who would a portion of even the U.S. support, despite this new world throne's overview overriding that of their own leader? The ‘qualifications’ will be manufactured. His “election” (by whom?) will be based on popularity. Now who do you visualize?
Could it be Obama? Yes, it could. Barack Obama is not done with politics, even after he has passed through the White House, with supposedly nowhere else to land, no mountain left to climb. His next office will be granted to him, out of a crying global need to overcome the U.S., and those who supported Donald Trump.
A former President whose 8-year administration had been the most anti-American in the nation’s history. A man used to sitting in the most powerful chair (publicly) on Earth, becomes the natural choice to sit in the actual most powerful one.
And pressure will be put on the U.S. by the entire rest of the globe to bow to his authority.
The tall black man. Who stands amid a meteor shower, up on the curb (the European powers, the chief of which is Germany). Not in the car (the USA).
The antichrist is empowered by the globalist beast. He is the vocal ‘little horn’ on the head among the ten heads (the Security Council’s non-permanent membership).
His World Chancellorship, to show authority over all governments, all creeds, all belief religious or otherwise, is moved to the center of the globe’s spiritual conflicts — the Middle East. His office — the new-built multi-cultural center upon the Temple Mount; the High Temple of which Donald Trump has been divinely commissioned to build (as I covered in a previous blog) and which the new World Chancellor — the Antichrist — de-commissions as an exclusively religious location (causes all oblation to cease, as prophecied by Daniel).
As a constant reminder of his presence, the World Chancellor will have a hologram of himself, giving an ongoing speech to all visitors to the “Multi-Cultural Global Capitol." A computerized Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln — only it’s ultra-realistic because of digital hologram technology — and it’s One ‘Great’ Moment with Chancellor Obama. Replaying 24/7.
An abomination (digital counterfeit of life) that causes desolation (the ongoing spoken agenda, in blissful, studious, amenably articulate political language, to rein in humanity). Read Matthew 24:15.
The antichrist will be revealed, by his survival of an otherwise fatal head wound. Only it doesn’t need to be by meteor. It is a Satanic duplicate, a mockery, of Christ's resurrection.
This was the dream, and the interpretation which formed over the following year. How crazy is it? I believe we're about to find out. Keep your eyes, ears, and mind open.
Trump, the Endgame, and the Wall Between You and God
The above is not a link.
I have made no evasive moves or statements regarding my belonging to the Body of Christ. Though not a biblical scholar, I can converse biblical scripture. Yes, though it is not a requirement of salvation, I even had the experience of speaking in tongues — once. I can even tell you the English translation of what I suddenly blurted out, in a language — Hebrew — that I didn’t know a word of, a moment prior. All that is for another blog. How it relates to what I’m about to say, is something I can only ask you to perhaps suspend disbelief and trust me about; I can’t prove it to you. I won’t waste my blogspace trying.
When Donald Trump announced his bid for President in 2015, I was not exactly a fan. I knew that celebrities (who would potty-mouth him after his election) all vied to be seen at his parties, and enjoy his wealth with him. That’s all he was to me; a businessman turned Reality TV star. I was myself, I readily admit, a somewhat back-slidden Christian then — call it ‘Xtian’ — and just wasn’t very disciplined, though some considered me a ‘goody-two-shoes’ and not outwardly political. I was socially Liberal, but fiscally Conservative; in so that I minded a great deal how my tax money was spent or misspent in my estimation. The difference was that I knew it, and was aware of this duality within me.
I didn’t care what my friends were into, as long as they didn’t shove it down my throat — and I likewise gave them that same consideration. So it was doubly a personal shock, when upon the day Trump announced his candidacy, I suddenly, somehow, knew he’d win.
And that I was given a word of prophecy. No one told me verbally, I just abruptly had it pop into my head, like the Monolith in “2001: A Space Odyssey.” The prophecy was simple. To paraphrase:
Trump will be an endgame President. (I am unsure what that meant, but…) God has chosen this man to lead the nation, not for his popularity, not for his intellect, but because he is the one with the internal fortitude, and business aptitude, to accomplish three specific tasks that will be beyond voter understanding. All else will be theatre. He will accomplish these tasks despite incredible opposition, and everything his — and the country’s — enemies, without and within, can throw at him.
I was told each of the three tasks.
Now before you scoff, know this: Trump in his first term, accomplished two of those tasks! He only has one to go. Then, yes, the Barbarians will take this once-great country — but by then it won’t matter.
The first task was to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. He even moved America’s Embassy there. America’s recognition of Jerusalem causes the globe to reluctantly, some grudgingly, follow suit.
The second task was to remove our military presence from Syria. Trump took a barrage of criticism for this, even from those who had before been stalwart champions of removing our troops from foreign countries’ landscapes — suddenly they had turned hawk. What this new paradigm means regarding future events remains to be seen, and whatever it is, it may be just over the horizon.
That brings us to Task 3, the final mission divinely required of him. Let’s backtrack for a moment…
November of 2016, just days after a Presidential election as controversial as it was historic, then President-Elect Donald Trump sat for an interview with 60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahl. He gave a very interesting answer to her question about the infamous southern border wall, that was one of his campaign promises. He concluded his reply with “I’m very good at this; it’s called construction.”
With copies of his Trump Towers and Trump Hotels around the globe, as well as his history of Real Estate deals and owned properties, that statement was just beyond any debate. He gets things built, and gets them built fast.
Couple this with Trump’s sudden conversion to Christianity at about the same time he assumed office. He still had a lot to learn; “Two Corinthians”?? But he has since never wavered from his proclamations of Christ, at least nominally, having become a part of his life.
God has used the Presidency before. George Bush Sr., POTUS #41, in a November 1992 speech proclaimed that he would not tariff oil and wine — in what many believe a fulfillment of the Third Seal prophecy of Revelation 6:5. So far, it is still the only time “save the oil and wine” has been spoken in any POTUS speech. The incident was explored in full by writer Gordon Franz.
What could an “endgame President” who is “good at construction” possibly have to do with significance to God’s divine plan in 2020? Many important voices have already begun talking about it. The Mikdash Educational Center, an Israeli organization devoted to creating and maintaining global awareness of the High Jewish Temple movement, even minted a silver coin (worth about a Shekel) with Trump’s and King Cyrus’s likenesses on one side, and a rendering on the opposite side of the proposed Third High Jewish Temple, to be built on the Temple Mount, next to the Islamic Dome of the Rock.
Initiating, dealing for, the construction of said Temple, is what he can — and is charged to — do.
He possibly doesn’t realize it, but it is his destiny — why he was placed in the White House.
Luciferian Hillary would not get it done. Senile pedophile Joe would not get it done. Real Estate expert — and Commander In Chief — Donald can and will. Whether he is aware or not, whether he plans to or not; he is not the arbiter of history, simply its chosen tool. It’s God’s timeline, not ours.
All else is theatre. None of the intellectual politicos & talking heads have a clue — or can much less comprehend. Whether or not they’d believe it.
The Jewish organization The Temple Mount Faithful, who consider their very mission to be the rebuilding of the Temple, say that once construction is commenced, the Temple would go up in 6 months or less.
It would house the ancient sacred Jewish temple artifacts, including the Ark of the Covenant (no, Indiana Jones didn’t hide it). The Temple would also serve as a multi-cultural center in the Holyland — a modern portal of middle-eastern diversity; a need that is not being served by the Dome of the Rock, which is in fact, crumbling into epic disrepair.
Throughout history God has used the most unlikely, to be the vehicles of His will. Paul was an atheist. Moses stuttered. David was a ‘runt of the litter’ and considered even by his own family to be insignificant. Donald Trump is the very rich man symbolized by whom can’t fit through the Eye of the Needle as easily as a camel may.
One task. For which he happens to be incredibly qualified, like it or not.
My advice is watch the news, for word of Trump’s ‘interest’ in rebuilding the High Temple. As perhaps a gesture of goodwill, or global unity, or whatever the context.
No, it doesn’t make Trump the Antichrist. More it sets the stage for the arrival of same-said Antichrist. One of the things the Antichrist does is to cause all 'oblation' (religious sacrifices) to cease in The Temple, so that he may set himself up there, and erect the 'Abomination of Desolation' (the idol that moves and talks like it is a living thing... very possible in the generation of CGI, holograms, and digitally altered reality).
In order for any of that to happen, the Temple must exist. It must be built. Let your mind — and research — reveal all else that would mean; moreover, what it means to YOU.
Just saying.
The Bad Cop and the Deepest Deep
The idea I’m about to express will make you angry and incredulous, and also make you think I’ve finally flipped my wig; a ‘conspiracy theorist’ finally become incompatible with the matrix of even my own wacko worldview. But the Internet was made ideally for such rants. I’ll keep it short.
Need I take time to retrace the events leading to the death of George Floyd? Of the unjust crime committed against him, whether or not he deserved detainment in the first place? Of the tainted character of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who caused his death?
Well, Chauvin’s character — at least his emotional integrity — is precisely what I intend to explore here, but not in the way you think. I will not defend or condemn, but merely point out something that no one would — rationally — consider; the prospect that George Floyd was chosen at random, an opportune person of color “targeted” to be sacrificed, and Derek Chauvin was programmed to execute him.
Let’s glance at a certain timeline of political events leading up to the day of Floyd’s execution.
1. Three-plus years of trying to ‘correct’ the 2016 Presidential election, on the part of the Democrat-Leftist-Globalist cabal, has not gone well. The Russian Dossier “insurance policy” against Trump has been debunked. The Ukraine phone call ploy has failed. The Mueller probe has failed. The Trump Impeachment hearings have failed. General Flynn’s charges have been dropped.
2. Finally, the Pandemic is poorly timed, and the American People have proven more resilient than was expected. It has become apparent that COVID-19 will not derail the 2020 re-election of Trump — especially since the best nominee the D-L-G can muster is a borderline senile, career bureaucrat pedo who can’t keep his hands to himself, or a train of thought on track when he’s posed a question on the campaign. A frail man with a crumbling mind, with delusions of machismo and governmental acumen, who was Vice President simply as a safety measure to protect the livelihood of the POTUS he served under; no one wanted him at the desk if anything happened to the boss.
3. With every plan — even bio-weapon based — proven futile, there’s one card left: public upheaval.
If you haven’t noticed, the Pandemic’s overall effect was to transform the world into something that would have delighted Saul Alinsky; a state of manipulatable chaos. Free enterprise arrested, personal independence curtailed, public gatherings (in any context) banned, churches closed, prisons opened. With “guidelines” in place to allow public interaction in limited spurts, and facial concealment all but mandated, with neighbors turning in — ratting on — neighbors for even the slightest bending of the “new normal” social protocol. 100,000 deaths? That’s getting off cheap for a socio-fascist makeover of what was once the freest nation on Earth.
So far I’ve only sounded like a typical right-wing nut dipped in conspiracist treacle. Here’s where I show you what a genuine gourmet delicacy I truly am.
The ‘public upheaval’ card had worked well before in distracting the non-violent segment of the populace regarding political turmoil — Ferguson, Watts, and other cities unfortunately sacrificed lives, livelihoods and lent their names to violent social events caused by bad politics and acts of injustice. It was a given, that backed into such a corner of desperation, after so many failed schemes, that the D-L-G would play it.
The big giveaway that the entire chain of events is a massive psy-op, is the over-obvious timing of each event. Just as the Pandemic shows signs of winding down early, something expedient is needed to shore-up the social disruptiveness. Another virus emerging so conveniently to continue the lockdowns will appear contrived and too transparent. Not that that has ever stopped anyone before. Bio-weapons that slow a populace, rather than kill them outright, are difficult to manufacture. Cue the race riots back onstage.
Here’s where it gets dicey, and enters one Derek Chauvin.
How do I couch this? Ever seen the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”?
Cold War foot soldiers, who are unaware they are even soldiers, recruited via mind control — hypnosis, drugs, and other methods with historical precedent in the 50s and 60s — cannot ‘confess’ because they have no knowledge of ever having been recruited. Yet they dutifully carry out their heinous orders when signaled to — with a codeword, a secret symbol — anything that has been programmed into their psyche that equals “your assignment is go.”
Chauvin’s actions in the death of George Floyd are so outwardly diabolical, they are inexplicable in rational terms. Chauvin murdered Floyd in a premeditative fashion, in public, on camera. As if Chauvin had hidden a secret demonic side of himself, ’snapped’ and no longer cared who witnessed his sudden act of methodical barbarity.
Such a shocking personality “switch flip” is a classic act of a Manchurian Candidate — a hypno-controlled foot soldier, for an evil cause, given his subcon “go” signal.
(No, I can’t prove it. But the event can be enframed to fit such a profile, given its impact on society in the days that followed, compared with its creepy randomness.)
And if questioned of any such signal given him, Chauvin will have no recollection of it. Sirhan Sirhan was the most famous M-C in modern history. He performed (or at least took the fall for) the assassination of Robert Kennedy, and afterward, had no recollection why. Evidence that he’d been hypnotically programmed was later found, but nothing that proved it beyond a doubt.
It has been suggested that the mysterious “woman in the polka-dot dress” seen around the Ambassador Hotel, whom Sirhan encountered, and others remembered saying “we got him” after Kennedy’s shooting, was in fact Sirhan’s “signal.”
The presence of a Manchurian Candidate is not a new idea, nor is it implausible. How ‘implausible’ is mind control now, in the age of populations transfixed by personal gadgets and manufactured distraction? But more importantly, it is proof of nefarious forces at work — the calling card of embedded evil, with invisible tentacles entwined deep within our everyday world.
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The above is not a link. I have made no evasive moves or statements regarding my belonging to the Body of Christ. Though not a biblical ...
The idea I’m about to express will make you angry and incredulous, and also make you think I’ve finally flipped my wig; a ‘conspiracy the...
A dream, one year ago, obsesses me still. At the moment I will not translate what I believe these images mean — you’ll do that anyway. I ...